by Brandon McDaniel, January 28, 2015 Source: Over the course of this year, the headlines have been ripe with news a…
How Our Expectations Are Changing Marriage
by Katie Moritz, October 17, 2017 Source: It’s true: less of us are getting married than ever before. And while it may be too soon to know how millennial divorc…
Assuming Positive Intent is a Relationship Superpower—Here’s Why
Source: If there’s one thing I’ve learned as a couples therapist and organizational psychologist,…
The Negativity Thermostat: Why Adjusting the Temperature Early Can Save Your Relationship Later
Kyle Benson, January 12, 2021 Source: The secret to keeping things comforta…
The Secret to Love is Just Kindness
Emily Esfahani Smith, June 12, 2014 Source: Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and ge…
6 Interracial Couples That Prove Race Is No Barrier In Islam
Nabillah Roslee • Jun 14, 2018 Source: Do note that the information in the article is accurate at the time of publishing. [Updat…
8 Challenges Every Marriage Will Face
Source: I have seen many newlyweds start their lives together under the blissful delusion that they will never face any problems in their…
Six Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Long-Term Relationship
Posted on February 8th, 2017 Source: While we like for our romantic books and movies to end with the coup…
Accepting Influence: Find Ways to Say “Yes”
Sinead Smyth, LMFTMarch 11, 2021 Source: This is one of the hallmarks of a successful relationship In theory, most people agree t…
How Marriage Changes Your Personality
By David Ludden Ph.D. Mar 15, 2018 | Reviewed by Jessica Schrader It’s often said that…
How Expectations Affect One’s Happiness in Marriage
Are your expectations for your marriage too high? Posted by Dianne Grande Ph.D. Oct 30, 2018 Source:…
How to Deal with Differences in your marriage
February 28, 2018 Source: A few pointers on how to deal with Differences in your Marriage. Talk about them!We’re no…
Laws of Attraction: How Do We Select a Life Partner?
Source: By Noam Shpancer, Ph. D What we know, and don’t know, about the process of mate sel…
Forget planning the fairytale wedding and start preparing more for married life
By A Jamil, 3rd April 2017 Source: I always assumed that the fai…
Understanding Must Precede Advice
Kyle Benson, May 24, 2017 Source: Learn how to use conflict as an opportunity to understand and get to know each other better is a vital…
Transforming Criticism into Wishes: A Recipe for Successful Conflict
Kyle Benson, May 17, 2017 Source: For conflict conversations to succeed, you must state your feelings …
Mindfulness Tips for Hard Conversations
Gillian Florence Sanger, October 27, 2020 Source: You can do more than “agree to disagree.” Learn how to communicate with shared h…
10 Tips to Make a Long-Distance Relationship Work
Here’s how to improve your chances for fulfillment. Posted Jun 11, 2018 by Andrea Bonior Ph.D. Source:…
What Does Trust and Commitment Look Like in a Relationship?
Mary Beth George, March 6, 2019 Source: With bellies miserably full of Thai beef and noodles, he washed the dis…
Build Love Maps
Zach Brittle, March 11, 2015 Source: Dr. Gottman’s term for getting to know your partner’s world is called Build Love Maps. You know that moment at a wedd…
Tired Of Being Single?
Dr. Nafisa Sekandari and Sr. Hosai Mojaddidi, June 12, 2017 Source: “Relationship idolatry happens when we place too much emphasis on our relati…
Pursue Your Partner at Every Stage of Marriage
By Hannah Eaton, February 20, 2019 Source: Never stop dating your spouse. We met Marcy and Jack during our first group danc…
Trust & Commitment: Why Every Happy Relationship Needs It
Source: Kyle Benson, August 22, 2020 Believe me when I say, a happy relationship is IMPOSSIBLE without trust and commitment. Don’t believe me?…
Seriously. What’s the Point of Marriage?
Nate Bagley May 7, 2018 Source: The point of marriage is not happiness. The point of marriage is growth. What’s the point of marriag…
Invest in Your Relationship: The Emotional Bank Account
Christopher Dollard, September 13, 2017 Source: The difference between happy and unhappy couples is how they manage their Emotio…
When Love Is Not Enough: Reassessing Marriage In The Muslim Community
Source: Dr. Nafisa SekandariJune 15, 2017 *This article is adapted from a presentation Sr. Hosai…
Ingredients of marital love in Islam
Source: By Shahina Siddiqui “And among His signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves, that you m…
Before Entering into an Intercultural Marriage
Source: Janet Kozak 24 July, 2020 Intercultural marriages are completely allowed in Islam. Prophet…
10 Ways To Avoid Marrying The Wrong Person!
Source: By Dr. Nafisa Sekandari and Sr. Hosai Mojaddidi, June 11 2017 “And of His signs is that He created for you from yours…
5 Questions You Need to Ask Before Getting Married
Full disclosure: I have been married—to the same guy—for twenty-eight years, four months, and twelve days. In our five years of dating, which began in college and then spilled into graduate school, I …