This Is Love

By Yasmin Mogahed Source: And so there are some who spend their whole lives seeking. Sometimes giving, sometimes taking. Sometimes chasing. But o…

The Stigmatisation of Disabled Muslims

Disabled Muslim Matrimony19th March 2020 Source: We must respect our fellow disabled Muslims and encour…

How Our Expectations Are Changing Marriage

by Katie Moritz, October 17, 2017  Source: It’s true: less of us are getting married than ever before. And while it may be too soon to know how millennial divorc…

The Secret to Love is Just Kindness

Emily Esfahani Smith, June 12, 2014 Source: Science says lasting relationships come down to—you guessed it—kindness and ge…

How Marriage Changes Your Personality

By David Ludden Ph.D. Mar 15, 2018 |  Reviewed by Jessica Schrader It’s often said that…

Personal Appearance

Source: Personal appearance is an often disregarded part of communication and presentation skills. When you are speaking in public, you may b…

Understanding Must Precede Advice

Kyle Benson, May 24, 2017 Source: Learn how to use conflict as an opportunity to understand and get to know each other better is a vital…

Mindfulness Tips for Hard Conversations

Gillian Florence Sanger, October 27, 2020 Source: You can do more than “agree to disagree.” Learn how to communicate with shared h…

Tired Of Being Single?

Dr. Nafisa Sekandari and Sr. Hosai Mojaddidi, June 12, 2017 Source: “Relationship idolatry happens when we place too much emphasis on our relati…

Seriously. What’s the Point of Marriage?

Nate Bagley May 7, 2018 Source: The point of marriage is not happiness. The point of marriage is growth. What’s the point of marriag…