
Conquering marriage boredom

10 tips to spice up your marriage You’ve moved past that giddy “honeymoon phase” and settled into a comfortable lifestyle with your …

Building bridges of trust with your loved one

So you are a newly-wed couple and wondering how do I earn by loved one’s trust? Or you may be married for a while now and lately you feel your spouse …

When the trust disappears from our relations

In the eyes of Islam, Trust (Amanah) has a very broad sense. The word contains an ocean of meaning, but underneath it all is the sense of responsibili…

Spiritual harmony in Muslim marriage

The Qur’an categorically states that the objective of marriage, besides perpetuating human life, is also spiritual harmony or creating “an abode…

The Purpose of Marriage

The society we live in provoke many thoughts in regards to the purpose of marriage. We see all around us that people are letting go of marriage and re…

Managing Stress Series – Anger Management

Not being able to manage your anger is one of the biggest causes of marriage breakups and surprisingly enough being angry has many physical side effec…

A consistent plan for children

Whenever you will speak to any expert or person who has any experience regarding parenting you will hear this over and over again; consistency or bein…

My In-laws are ….?

It’s amazing that as soon as you mention the word, only ill thoughts come to most people. This topic was previously viewed in a positive light as it s…

Rights of a Husband in Islam

It is widely talked about how men don’t know the rights of women in Islam but the reality is that both sides do not have the correct understanding of …

Visual versus Emotional

Allah has created men and women differently. One of the most pronounced differences between genders when it comes to issues of intimacy is arousal. Ea…

10 Qualities to make a Husband Happy

We all know that Allah subhana wa ta’alaa has described the treatment of the spouses in the Quran as: “And among His signs is this, that He created fo…

Advice to Daughter-in-Laws

At times we may feel that we know exactly what we are doing and most importantly we think that we are the best at it. That usually is not that case an…

Long Lasting Marriage Secrets

All of us have met people at least once in our life time that tell you about how long they have been married for and it shocks you. Some go to 20, 30,…

Avoiding Suspicion & Infidelity

One of the ills that unfortunately our community is experiencing at this time is of suspicion and infidelity. Below are some steps you can take to avo…

How to have a Happy Family

Below are some steps you can take to make your family life more relaxing and enjoyable. One thing to remember is that In family life its always the sm…

Simple Steps for a Happy Marriage

Sometimes the most obvious things escape from our thought process that can bring about so much prosperity in our Marriage. We wanted to shed light upo…

Improving Communication with your Spouse

Below are some simple small steps you can take to make improvements in your communication with your spouse. Communication is key to the success of you…